Cruise - Alaska - Explore Small-Ship Cruises. Alaska's Glacier Bay Travels oil painting of wolves,by artist John Clapp



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Gustavus and Glacier Bay National Park

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ratings explained

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12 days/11 nights

Scenic float with some class III/IV

rapids, moderate to challenging day hikes.

11 nights camping

COST 2004
$3,295 + tax (6-12 guests)
*$3,995 + tax

DATES 2004
June 9-20
June 25-July 10*
(16 day "Hiker's Special")
July 9-20
July 25-August 5
July 31-August 11
August 14-25

Alsek River
Tatshenshini River
Sheenjek River
Noatak River
Kongakut River
Hula Hula River

Here are some

Questions and Answers.

Each of our trips has been rated "1" to "4" according to what conditions can be expected on the trip, with "1" being the easiest and "4" being the more challenging trips. Keep in mind that even easy trips may become difficult if weather conditions are adverse. On all trips, guests help carry personal and group gear and, on sea kayaking trips, help carry their boat up and down the beach (65-80 pounds for two-four people). Most of our trips travel to remote wilderness locations with no facilities of any kind, and evacuation may be prolonged and difficult. More specific information can be found in each trip's detailed itinerary.

Level "2" to "4" trips entail travel to remote wilderness locations without facilities and walking over uneven and sometimes slippery terrain.

LEVEL 1: Easiest

LEVEL 2: Easy to Moderate

LEVEL 3: Moderate

LEVEL 4: Moderate to Challenging
(Some trips are rated at level "4" due primarily to the length of the trip in remote wilderness, or because a specific skill level is assumed, not because they are extremely physically demanding.)

The Alsek River runs through the Alsek, Noisy, St. Elias, and Fairweather Mountain Ranges in some of Alaska's most rugged and stunning wilderness. This is big water running through big mountains -- breathtaking as you float past glaciers spilling from the towering peaks above, and exhilarating as you climb mountains for views into the lush valleys below.

Chances of seeing wildlife are excellent, as the Alsek River Valley serves as a migratory corridor for animals such as bear, moose, and wolves. Our Alsek exploration is the ultimate wilderness experience, perfect for adventurers with camping experience who enjoy big white water and love to hike. These trips begin in Haines and we'll return you to Yakutat, which has daily jet service.

Slide show of Alsek River


Day 1 - We will drive 125 miles up the Chilkat River Valley, across the border into British Columbia, and on to Haines Junction in the Yukon Territory. We will make a brief stop at Kluane Park for an introduction to the natural history of the area. After the drive, we will load our rafts, push off on a small tributary of the Alsek, and begin our approach to the St. Elias Mountains. We will set up our first wilderness camp after a short float downriver.

Days 2-4 - Every day is fun and adventurous. The spectacular terrain provides us with ample hiking opportunities. Often we will take half-day floats interspersed with hiking. Options, such as scrambling up 5,500-foot Goat Herd Mountain, provide us with great views of this world-class wilderness area. We may be able to camp at Lowell Lake, where icebergs float past a short distance from camp after calving off the Lowell Glacier across the lake.

Days 5-6 - We will begin the most serious white water these next two days as the Alsek builds in volume and energy. After full days of class III and IV water, we will float through the river valley until we are just upstream of the stunning Tweedsmuir Glacier.

Days 7-8 - As the Tweedsmuir Glacier pushes into the river, Turnback Canyon forms, filled with sharp drops and dazzling, thundering currents. The narrow canyon chokes the Alsek into an unrunnable channel, and we set up for our helicopter portage. The spine-tingling helicopter lifts us above the 10-mile-wide glacier and along the dramatic Turnback Canyon to rejoin the river.

Day 9 - We will continue downstream until joining the Tatshenshini River at one of the most spectacular river confluences in the world. The towering Fairweather and St. Elias Ranges are divided by the Alsek at this point. Glaciers surround us as we enter Alsek Bay, skirting the edge of Glacier Bay National Park.

Days 10-11 - Once at Alsek Bay, we'll float through iceberg-laden waters exploring the mysterious shapes and patterns cut from the fallen ice. Icebergs here are nearly large enough to be glaciers themselves, as they can stretch for city blocks and tower high above our heads. Day 12 - We will pull into Dry Bay sometime in the early afternoon, de-rig our boats, and enjoy a final lunch. Charter planes will fly us to Yakutat. We will return to Yakutat in time to catch the evening flight back to Juneau.

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Last modified: Sunday July 03, 2011